The Energy Transition Network

An industry/academic consortium to advance the basic science and enable the clean grid of the future


About the Energy Transition Network

From new materials to innovative applications, the Energy Transition Network’s  mission is to develop the talent pipeline of tomorrow and the science necessary for meeting the clean energy goals and demands of the future. The Network convenes experts at the University of Chicago, regional national laboratories, and industry in a pre-competitive, collaborative environment to advance energy solutions.​

The UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME), together with experts at Argonne National Laboratory, is home to the nation’s largest concentration of energy science and technology experts. The Energy Technologies Initiative, based at UChicago PME and an integral part of the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Growth, brings together scientists and engineers to accelerate the energy transition through cost-effective and scalable innovations. The Energy Transition Network, rooted in the Energy Transition Initiative, serves as a strong partner to industry, helping to translate research from the lab directly to the market.


Professor Y. Shirley Meng Named the Liew Family Professor in Molecular Engineering

Lithium-Metal Batteries Charge Forward: How Charge and Discharge Rates Chart a Path for a Powerful but Problematic Battery

Professor Laura Gagliardi Awarded Prestigious Solvay Chair in Chemistry

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